They think it’s all over…it is now!

Well, that is, the extended deadline for responses to the consultation passed quietly at midnight last night, however, it is by no means the end of our campaign.  Cumbria Trust will, as closely as possible, be following developments at DECC and their apparent determination to dispose of high level radioactive waste somewhere under West Cumbria. They are pushing forward with these plans, despite unchallenged geological evidence that clearly shows the area to be unsuitable for the purpose of siting a GDF (Geological Disposal Facility).

It has to be said that amongst our members, confidence in DECC  is currently at an all time low, following an outbreak of ineptitude in the basic administration process of the consultation. Cumbria Trust remains vigilant and will endeavour to keep you informed of developments as they happen. However, it is also vitally important that you contact your own parish, town, borough and county Councillors by writing to let them know the strength of opinion and the true level of awareness and opposition to a GDF in West Cumbria.

Despite the GDF issue, may we wish you a happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

Steve Bell

Copyright Steve Bell used with permission

About cumbriatrust

A Voice for Cumbria
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